Sunday, September 11, 2016

Resources for Vestibular Patients

If you have a vestibular disorder and have not being to VEDA's site, here's a link. VEDA stands for Vestibular Disorder Association, and they have a ton of resources for patients and doctors. You can search for vestibular specialists in your area. It is the most informative website I have come across when researching my own vestibular disorder (Labrynthitis). Here is a link to VEDA's Facebook page.

Here is a Youtube video of a talk given by Sue Hickey, a patient with a chronic vestibular disorder.  I found this talk she gave in 2013 to a group of nursing students to be incredibly comforting to me, as I could see someone talk about what I am currently experiencing. Sue has also written a book about her experience, called Finding Balance. I haven't purchased her book yet, but it is on my list of books to buy. It is always nice to know you are not crazy and you are not alone in coping with a vestibular disorder.

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