Friday, September 16, 2016

Celebrating the Small Victories

Other than vertigo/dizziness, one of my primary symptoms is extreme and chronic fatigue. From doing research on other people with vestibular disorders, this does not appear to be uncommon. From what I've read, fatigue is caused because our brains are working hard on simple tasks.

I've been sleeping 10 hours + per night and still feeling drained the next day. This is unusual for me and started when my initial symptoms appeared exactly one month ago. I attribute it to having been sick and having a constant off-balance feeling combined with vertigo. I feel like my brain is working much harder than it normally has to in order to compensate for the misfiring signals coming from my right ear.

That has made functioning very difficult. I can typically accomplish one task outside of the house per day. Today, I was proud of myself for going to a Super Wal-Mart and grocery shopping by myself. Going into a such a large box store with lots florescent lights and lots of people and product is very difficult for me now.

 I have felt dizzy today but not a lot of vertigo, so I felt ok to drive myself. While in Wal-Mart, I accidentally almost ran into an old lady. I am sure she thought I was being rude or not paying attention. It was just that I could not tell how to orient myself turning a corner while pushing a cart for a brief moment. I just stopped and allowed her to go around me. I also knocked some jars around in the spaghetti sauce section because my depth perception is off. But I was proud of myself for driving and shopping by myself. I checked out and loaded the groceries into my car and brought them home and inside and put them away by myself. I then cooked dinner which I have not done in awhile.

While it was a great accomplishment for me to do this today (and being that it was one of the biggest tasks I have undertaken), I am drained now. I have eaten dinner and I am on the couch right now. I have been having episodes of vertigo since I got home and I am quite tired. I do not plan on doing anything else this evening, except for a load of laundry.

I am wondering if weather is playing with my vestibular system as well. It has been storming on and off since last night and tonight the weather is supposed to change pretty drastically. There are tornado warnings about 90 minutes or so from here, and severe thunderstorm warnings closer to me. Obviously, this means the barometric pressure has been changing quite a bit. I have noticed that I am having a lot more neck and shoulder pain this evening, which may be contributing to me not feeling well at the current moment.

The screen is starting to bounce around so I know it's time for me to cut my computer screen time.

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