Sunday, September 18, 2016

Best Stretch of Low or No Symptoms in a Month!

Today was a tiny, flickering light on the horizon. I woke up and spent a good portion of the day sans-vertigo and with only a little tinnitus. I did not feel very dizzy or exhausted until the evening set in. I was able to shower (have been using a bath because it is easier for me to sit and bathe than it is to stand in my shower and tip my head around or move around much), blow dry my hair (haven't done that in a month) and even put on a little makeup. My mom picked me up and we went out to eat at our local Cracker Barrel. It was one of the first times I have been at a restaurant in a month since my Labrynthitis set in.

Overall, I was surprised at how much better I felt during the day. The dizziness, tinnitus, neck pain, headache, etc started to set in right around dinnertime. I am not feeling great right now, but mostly, I am hopeful that I start having more days like today.

I briefly considered phoning my boss to see about starting back at work very part-time, but my husband and I agreed I should probably just focus on school right at this point and worry about getting a job once my symptoms go away. We both agree I probably will not be able to return to my old job of working around horses. It has taken just over a month to have 1 partially-good day. I hope to see that increasing, but I do not see myself returning to my old job where reflexes and balance are essential to safety. If these symptoms do persist for several months or longer, I will attempt to find a job very close to my home, one that would require very little driving, and one that would allow me to work in short shifts. At this point, I am not sure what that would be. Florescent lights and computer screens are a big issue to me right now. If I am on the computer too long, I will get dizzy and nauseated. Since my degree is in Education, it would be beneficial to start substitute teaching. I could start doing that one or two days a week, assuming I am feeling better. My husband wants me to put off job-related stress until I am better. No sense applying for a job I can't work at right at this point. I really do not know how some people are working with a vestibular disorder.

I did get my new glasses in yesterday afternoon. I have had trouble finding the correct prescription. This last remake seems to be helpful. I don't feel like my eyes are straining as much as they were. It has definitely been helpful to get my prescription updated. If you are a vestibular patient, I recommend getting an updated eye prescription if you wear glasses or contacts. It is something that has helped me a lot over the past 24 hours.

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