Monday, September 26, 2016

A Bit of a Plateau

Something I've noticed while perusing all of the vestibular blogs and patient stories out there on the Internet: all of us considered ourselves to be very busy people before our vestibular illness set in. And just like that, bam, we are completely, utterly incapable of continuing on as before. It has made getting better a frustrating and tedious process.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have felt continually better. I even considered returning to work over the past couple of days. However, I am still astonished with how little energy I have. That is probably the biggest factor in me deciding to not go back to work right now. My energy is precious, and I have it all allotted to my online courses, and my husband and daughter now.  I have absolutely zero left over for anything else. Even though the vertigo is substantially less, the dearth of energy is still there, a big void.

I was reminded of how slow the healing process is from Labrynthitis yesterday and today. The weather changed (got cooler by about 25 degrees), and that has caused a bit of vertigo and dizziness to return. Exhaustion came back as my brain, ears, and eyes speak foreign languages to each other and they try to make sense of it. I did not sleep well night before last, and yesterday was a tough day. The dizziness and exhaustion was pretty significant. The weather change affected me today.

I have very brief bursts of normal-feeling, pre-vestibular energy. I will feel quite normal for a couple of hours, and attempt to go back to my pre-illness lifestyle. Then I will be suddenly hit with bone-numbing exhaustion. So my healing process continues.

Still wobbly, especially turning corners while walking. Turning corners has been a bitch! I tend to wobble like a drunk person as I veer around the doorways at home or aisles at school.

Driving is fine for me. I haven't had much trouble driving in the most recent week or two. No falls to report, either, in the past week and a half.

I still have a bit of trouble with depth perception. When I am reaching into a cupboard for a glass, or for something in a grocery store aisle, I tend to jostle the items around it.

Computers are less of a strain on me than a few weeks ago. I still have some vision problems if I am tired or feeling dizzy. Having new glasses has helped tremendously.

I am still supremely sensitive to loud noises. I used to love heavy metal, but I cannot listen to it right now. I tend to stick with talk radio. Loud music or noises startle me much more than before I got sick with Labrynthitis.

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