Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Thoughts in a Vestibular Patient

I figured I'd document as much as I can about having a vestibular disorder, including the mental side of things. My hope is that someone looking for answers may stumble upon this blog and see that they are not alone in this weird illness.

Thoughts that are going/have gone through my head:

  • Is this permanent? Even though I've been diagnosed with a temporary illness, Labrynthitis, it's still a waiting game to see when (and if) it goes away. My visit with the ENT basically told me it could go away sooner, it could be later, it could be several months, it could be longer than that. I had a dramatic improvement in symptoms last week, but had a pretty big relapse a couple of days ago, which is ongoing. I am due to start back at work tomorrow as a trial run, although I am not feeling especially optimistic.
  • What will life be like if I am chronically dizzy and off-balance? I suppose the best answer is: how it's been the past few weeks. Modified activities and a focus on wellness, I would presume.
  • What will my husband think of me if I can't work in the long-term? He has been good-natured and supportive of my not being able to work. He says he likes seeing me more. Economically, though, I will have to find some sort of employment. I am working on a book to give that shot. 
  • How will this impact my daughter? This has been better for her, actually, as I have been home to help her more with schoolwork. I have also taken over her Girl Scout troop. I figure I can muster up the stamina to volunteer 2 or 3 times a month in this capacity. In the end, she is glad I am not working. So this has positively affected my daughter.
  • How will I contribute to my family if I can't work at a traditional job? I will have to find some other means of making money. As I mentioned above, I have always wanted to write a book and have been working on a historical fiction novel, which is about halfway completed. I have decided that substitute teaching is a feasible way to go right now if I can't resume my old job of working with horses. I could work on days that were good for me, and I could work full or part-time. That is growing more appealing day by day. I could turn down jobs if I am not feeling well. I will also be on the lookout for a job where I can work from home, even though I have no idea how to go about that.
These have been the primary thoughts in my head. I will update later this week with how work goes tomorrow. 

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