Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dental Issues Causing Problems?

With this vestibular issue, I have made it a resolution to take better care of myself. I am about 50 lbs overweight, and I have started light exercising with a goal of losing the weight over the next 2 years realistically. I have also had an extreme fear of dentists, and as a result I have not seen a dentist in 8 years. I had already determined to make an appointment in the next couple of weeks, but this morning decided it for me. I woke up with eye-watering pain in one of my teeth. I found a dentist that my insurance covered that was open and thankfully took me. After x-rays, I was told I have a really bad abscessed rear molar. I was given a referral to an oral surgeon to have immediate surgery as soon as they can fit me in next week. I was given steroids, pain medication and antibiotics because my dentist told me "you are one sick puppy!" I am definitely dreading the surgery part of it next week. I am sure it will be extremely unpleasant since it hurts. Depending on the cost of sedation, I might request to be put out entirely. But it must be done. I also have some cavities which I will start taking care of a few weeks after the surgery. Thankfully, we have dental insurance through my husband's employer. It will cover my extraction next week, as well as about one or two cavities. On December 1, insurance resets so I will be able to get the next cavity or two taken care of under insurance.

I am wondering if the severe abscessed tooth in the rear left molar could be interfering with my vestibular system?

Here are some articles on dental issues and vertigo/dizziness:

The prospect of a "cure" or a physical reason for my illness is enticing.

I did fine at the funeral on Thursday. I slept for 14 hours that evening. I have been exhausted, which I attributed to the Labrynthitis, but it could definitely also be due to the severe tooth infection. I will not be able to appropriately evaluate my vestibular symptoms until after my oral surgery, which I am praying will be sooner rather than later. I call the office of the surgeon first thing on Monday morning.

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